Benefits of Mosquito Misting Systems vs. Spraying Services
Spending More Time Outdoors: One of the Benefits of Mosquito Misting Systems
A-Niks technicians stopped counting the times homeowners told them they called A-Niks because they couldn’t “live outdoors” during mosquito season. The sun may make it hard for most people in the Tampa Bay to be outside during the day, but the evening is a very nice moment to spend outside, a glass of wine in one hand and a good book in the other.
Unfortunately, mosquitoes and no-see-hums force people to stay indoors or behind the screen of their lanai… instead of just enjoying themselves “a free life” outside.
As a result, Floridians call pest control companies like A-Niks several times a year to treat their backyards and gardens before larvae hatch.
These treatments certainly offer a degree of efficiency, but not throughout the season as mosquitoes have a very active reproductive life, and there are always more mosquitoes coming to you from your neighbors and from further away.
A better, more durable, and more efficient solution is to install a mosquito misting system.
Some of these systems can be found in DIY stores and specialized retailers, but even if they ensure a much better protection than just spraying during the season, they are far from being as efficient as professionally installed mosquito misting systems. Consistency of coverage, calibration of system, customization of system based on terrain configuration, control of the delivery of insecticide… All points that make a big difference in how effectively your system will protect you during the season. Professional or commercial systems are just much better at that.
Misting vs. Spraying
But let’s just compare 10 key benefits of mosquito misting systems over spraying services.